Flex Your Power Case Study: Qualcomm

An Effective Practice

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Qualcomm has had an energy efficiency program for more than a decade, starting back in 1992. Major Qualcomm energy achievements include:

- Installation of a 4.8 MW cogeneration system.
- Installation of a 500 kW solar photovoltaic system.
- Upgrades to existing 2.4 MW cogeneration system.
- Use of hybrid vehicles for corporate shuttle service.
- Reduced energy demand by 10 million kWh per year between 1993-2002.
- Reduced C02 emissions by 4,000 tons per year between 1993-2002.

Besides these major achievements, Qualcomm has implemented a full suite of energy efficiency and water use efficiency building strategies at its corporate campus. Lighting retrofits, HVAC upgrades, and improvements to the building envelope have all been undertaken. Qualcomm has an energy efficient procurement policy as well as a web based employee education program.

Goal / Mission

Qualcomm's energy goals include maximizing energy efficiency in all new construction, retrofitting existing buildings to incorporate efficiency technologies, and identifying and implementing demand reduction strategies.

Results / Accomplishments

Since 1992, more than 350 separate projects have been implemented, saving approximately 12 million kilowatt-hours of electricity and 525,000 therms of natural gas each year - enough to power more than 2000 Californian homes. This saves Qualcomm about $1,464,000 in annual energy costs. Qualcomm is a Charter Member of the California Climate Registry and was recognized in 2005 by the Registry as a Climate Action Leader for certification of its greenhouse gas inventory. Because of its commitment to the local community and energy efficiency, Qualcomm was distinguished by the City of San Diego with a 2004 Excellence in Energy Award (SANDEE) and the 2005 Climate Wise ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year.

About this Promising Practice

Primary Contact
QUALCOMM Incorporated
5775 Morehouse Drive
San Diego, CA 92121
(858) 587-1121
Environmental Health / Energy & Sustainability
Community / Transportation
Flex Your Power Efficiency Partnership
Date of publication
Date of implementation
Geographic Type